
answer #2

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Tue Mar 8 09:19:14 PST 2005

On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 09:55:57 -0700, Jeff G. <Log0n5150 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> PS:   Ohhhhhh, I had a revelation while proofreading. Kiera (Sethra)  
> said it
> was dangerous for her to hold onto the vial of Verra's blood. If I recall
> correctly, this was also the same time she fought the Jenoine at Dzur Mt.
> Was that why she gave it to Vlad, to remove it from Drageara while the
> Jenoine were present, to prevent them from acquiring it to use against
> Verra? I haven't read that book in a while, so my recollection of the
> timeline is a bit spotty.

Since she was not at all upset that Vald "lost" it, I suspect it got used  
for its intended purpose, even if she didn't know what that intended  
purpose was at the time.

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