
Assassination as a means of policy change

Wed Mar 9 13:57:17 PST 2005

On Wed, 9 Mar 2005, Jeff G. wrote:

@> > > What are your personal opinions on assassination as a means to effect
@> > > policy by (or within) a government?
@> >
@> > Beats war, I think.

This is the more fundamental question, really: what are the functional
differences when you call government-sponsored murder "war", "execution",
or "assassination"? The level of publicity? How much we don't like the
people who are the targets?

@> > ps you meant 'affect'
@> No, I meant effect. It can be used as a transitive verb  ;)

You probably want to use affect in this case, since policy is a thing
which already exists and will be changed by the assassination. You would
use "effect" if you meant "create a new thing called policy where none
existed before". I suppose it's debatable, though.