

Mark A. Mandel thnidu at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 9 16:54:01 PST 2005

--- David Dyer-Bennet <dd-b at dd-b.net> wrote:
> "J C" <greyw01f at hotmail.com> writes:
> > I read this thread and then went to empty my junk mail folder, which
> > coincidentally had 17 messages in it...
> >
> > But does it matter that 2 of them weren't junk?
> I relatively often notice the Dragaera folder having 17 messages in
> it.  I always read it immediately when that happens.  So far, I
> haven't found them more interesting than the messages I find at other
> counts, though.  Oh well.

ah, yes, anecdotal evidence. Lots of fun, as long as you remember that they
amount to "Heads I win, tails don't count".

-- Mark A. Mandel
[This text prepared with Dragon NaturallySpeaking.]

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