
Sethra Lavode sightings

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Wed Mar 9 18:03:57 PST 2005

Michele Riccio wrote:
> On 9 Mar 2005 at 11:29, Philip Hart wrote
>> I've just registered at amazon (not a troll for gifts!) and it's a
>> much much much nicer experience than dealing with the web interface
>> for an upscale dept. store I could mention.
> I'm quite fond of Amazon's wish list.  It means that family members
> can buy me books without searching for non-existent authors (I
> don't know I think the name was Burst or Burton, maybe
> Brast...something with a "B")

Trouble is, if you're as impatient as I am, I buy the book as soon as I see
it, but don't tell Amazon that I already have it.