
Sethra Lavode sightings

Bato001 at aol.com Bato001 at aol.com
Thu Mar 10 06:54:48 PST 2005

In a message dated 03/10/2005 4:54:01 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
almagaiz at gmail.com writes:
>Watch out, Kiera. We've got Crystal the Thief.

Crystal Fradette

For: Ring leader of international Book Shoplifter Ring

Suspect is armed with an arsenal of useless trivia regarding a fictional land 
called 'Dragaera'. Do not try to aprehend as her razor sharp wit may kill at 
a hundred paces. 

Known Aliases 'Medcat7', 'Sethra500'

Contact: Your local FBI

John D. Barbato, OD