
Sethra Lavode sightings

Thu Mar 10 09:29:04 PST 2005

On Thu, Mar 10, 2005 at 12:26:43PM -0500, Crystal Fradette <sethra500 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 09:54:48 EST, Bato001 at aol.com <Bato001 at aol.com> wrote:
> > In a message dated 03/10/2005 4:54:01 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> > almagaiz at gmail.com writes:
> > >Watch out, Kiera. We've got Crystal the Thief.
> > Wanted
> > Crystal Fradette
> > For: Ring leader of international Book Shoplifter Ring
> > Suspect is armed with an arsenal of useless trivia regarding a fictional land
> > called 'Dragaera'. Do not try to aprehend as her razor sharp wit may kill at
> > a hundred paces.
> Ha, ha, yes. Beware. You could be next... Bwa ha ha ha ha
> Thanks guys. I really needed to read these today. I am so not having a
> good day. Maybe I'll go on another shoplifting spree...
> And hope no one takes this seriously :o)

If you ever meet someone named Vance with a French accent, I 
advise you to begin running *immediately*.

Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org)
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