
sad story

Mon Mar 14 05:47:51 PST 2005

On Mar 14, 2005, at 8:43 AM, Carla Hunt wrote:

> aahhhhh, this only works if they put the books out on the shelf...  my 
> local
> borders likes to do this lovely little number where it takes them a 
> week to get
> new titles out onto the floor.  they're very sorry, it's in the store, 
> they just
> haven't unpacked it yet.  i've wanted to take them by their collective 
> collar
> and shake them and tell them how i've been waiting for that book for 
> months and
> how i CAN'T wait another week to read it.   buuuuuut that might result 
> in things
> like policemen and padded white rooms and it might be a little longer 
> than a
> week before i was able to read the book, so i refrain.  =)
>                       Gaertk at aol.com
>                                                To:       
> dragaera at dragaera.info
>                       03/13/2005 06:10         cc:
>                       PM                       Subject:  RE: sad story
> In a message dated Mar/13/2005 5:15:03 PM Eastern Standard Time, "megan
> loughran" <mirrinn at hotmail.com> writes:
>>> Why did they sell book 1 and 3 and not 2? and 2) Who buys just
>>> book 2 and not the other ones?
> You're assuming the bookstore ordered equal numbers in the first
> place, which is highly unlikely.
>> I've actually noticed that Barnes and Noble has a really nasty
>> habit of doing that.  There's been 2 or 3 times I've gone in there
>> looking for the 2nd book in a 3 book series, and they only have
>> books 1 and 3.  So annoying!
> One of the reasons I prefer Borders is that their website allows you
> to search the inventories of local stores, so you know before you
> leave home whether they have it in stock.

My local Barnes and Noble likes to stock only books 2 and 3 of a 
series, for some reason. When I look at the Steve Brust area I'll see 
Yendi, Taltos and Athyra. Its like they purposefully skipped every 
other book.