
musing on some stuff "spoilers"

Peter H. Granzeau pgranzeau at cox.net
Mon Mar 14 11:34:52 PST 2005

At 11:25 03/14/2005, Steve Simmons wrote:

>Well... not necessarily.  We know that the gods, while not mortal as
>we understand it, do come and go.  We also know that two of the aspects
>(requirements, apparently) of divinity are the ability to manifest in
>multiple places at once and being immune to compulsion.  Remove either
>of those and the being stabbed is no longer a god.

As I remember, Blackwand has also at least severely limited a god's ability 
to manifest, at least in Dragaera.  And done it while Morrolan was 
unconscious, as well, as I remember.

Regards, Pete
pgranzeau at cox.net