
A request for a list tag in the subject

Mon Mar 14 19:06:34 PST 2005

David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
<snip from here>

> Nope, we don't want to do that.  Perfectly possible, though, just to
> avoid dodging the technical question. 
> Subject is not the best thing to use for sorting the messages into
> separate folders.  You should use the List-Id: header. 

Ok not that I am arguing for any change just that while list-id or even 
to fields are quite nice solutions technically, they don't do what he 
wanted which was to allow him to sort list related email, including 
those email that are off-list but generated by a list email, which of 
course wouldn't have the header you alluded to.

Mind you munging subject lines isn't nessacarily going to fix that either.
