
musing on some stuff "spoilers"

Maximilian Wilson wilson.max at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 22:38:59 PST 2005

I'm mainly hoping that Teldra will still be able to _communicate_,
even if not in words.

Max Wilson

On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 20:01:16 -0500, Alma Gaiz <almagaiz at gmail.com> wrote:
> Where does it say GS had an anti-magic field? All I recall is it
> slicing through the jenoine's barrier.
> Also, Blackwand is sentient and has a personality. Thus we must assume
> Godslayer (or Teldra, depending on how you like it) will eventually
> awaken like Sethra said and will have the "defend owner even while
> knocked out or dead" ability.

something funny