
A request for a list tag in the subject

Tue Mar 15 06:08:19 PST 2005

Just to add my pointless currency to the pot...
Oh, and sorry for the inline responses, but since I'm responding to several
emails at once it feels more appropriate this way.

> From: Steve Simmons [mailto:scs at di.org]
> On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 03:58:26PM -0800, Scott Schultz wrote:
> > Subject: [DRAGAERA] If Vlad fought Batman, who would win?
> I would much rather NOT have this.  Subject lines are short enough that
> we don't need to suck up 11 characters just to indicate what's in the
> To: field.

Except you'll note that it isn't always in the To: field. Often, it's in the
CC: field, and theoretically it could be in the Bcc: field (though I'm not
sure the list software would take that very seriously). Neither of those
last two are visible in my accustomed view of my mail.

> From: David Dyer-Bennet [mailto:dd-b at dd-b.net]
> Nope, we don't want to do that.  Perfectly possible, though, just to
> avoid dodging the technical question.
> Subject is not the best thing to use for sorting the messages into
> separate folders.  You should use the List-Id: header.

This isn't (as far as I can tell) possible using Outlook's rule system. Of
course I can match on dragaera at dragaera.info in any of the destination
fields, but that's as much a band-aid as the subject line and doesn't have
the benefit of catching personal replies generated by the list.
Before I get any rotten produce about using Outlook, I have no choice at
this address and this is the only address I actually check on anything like
a regular basis.

> From: Johne Cook [mailto:johne.cook at gmail.com]
> On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 18:31:51 -0600, Mia McDavid <mia_mcdavid at comcast.net>
> wrote:
> > We do replies wrong, too . . . they go to sender, not to the list.
> It's not necessarily "wrong" and it's not even "different".  I'm on
> lists that do things both ways.

Maybe it should be considered "wrong". In a list with the purpose of
discussion it doesn't make a great deal of sense to default to turning every
conversation into the equivalent of a whisper. True there way of judging
this as correct or incorrect, but I don't think it's very efficient and
efficiency seems as good a metric as any other in this instance.

> I wouldn't mind have [DRAGAERA] up in the Subject Header to make it
> easier to sort, but I can live with it the way it is.  ymmv.

I would more than not mind, I would appreciate. Otherwise, I am of entirely
the same opinion, and am quite willing to carry on with the current