
A request for a list tag in the subject

Tue Mar 15 08:53:58 PST 2005

>Ah, but how the list functions in this respect is a function of 
>your email software.  If your email software worked properly, the 
>list's behavior would make sense.  Unfortunately, Outlook is 
>broken, and I believe unfixable wrt this problem.

That's a pretty elitist way of looking at things. It sounds like you're
taking a somewhat myopic view of the problem by casting it strictly in terms
of MS Outlook. It isn't all about Outlook or any single client. If I was
having this list sent to my Yahoo address I'd have exactly the same problem.
On Yahoo, I can filter on From:, To:, Subject: and Body. That's it. Gmail,
Netscape, Hotmail, MSN, and the dozens of other free email hosts are going
to have similar or more likely less capable filtering. 

It's a big internet out there and it's no longer one that's filled with Unix
hackers who understand the underlying infrastructure and have the tools at
their disposal to manipulate that infrastructure. I personally can't see why
any mailing list in today's world would tell its users to like it or lump it
when a simple solution exists that can solve everyone's problem, even if
it's not the "correct" or elegant one.

*shrug* I'll say no more about it. I wasn't looking to start an argument
thread, just make a request for a feature that's pretty clearly considered
undesirable by the operators. Case closed.