
A request for a list tag in the subject

Crystal Fradette sethra500 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 09:04:56 PST 2005

On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 09:09:34 -0600, Johne Cook <johne.cook at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 09:47:16 -0500, Casey Rousseau <casey at the-bat.net> wrote:
> > I use Outlook both at home and at work for a number of reasons.  If anyone
> > needs advice on setting up rules, etc. to sort list mail, I'd be happy to
> > share my experience offline.
> I'd be open to any tips for iron-clad Gmail filtering.  I'm only able
> to filter 75% of my Dragaera e-mail (at best) and would like to divert
> it all to the appropriate folder.
> --
> johne cook | johne.cook at gmail.com | http://www.phywriter.com |
I use gmail. I like it. I keeps everything with the same subject
together. I don't have to look like an idiot answering something, and
then reading a few posts of a different thread later, someone answered
exactly what I said. I do enough of a job making myself look like an
idiot. If who ever it is decides to change the way things are, just
don't make it confusing, unless their is directions and someone to
explain the directions... I am blonde (but proud of it).

And speaking of 2cents being pointless currency, all day on Friday I
was shopping, and my change from every store was "$.02! :o)