
A request for a list tag in the subject

Tue Mar 15 20:04:43 PST 2005

Actually, this is what I do.
All of the list mail is sent to a single account that I use ONLY for this list.  I have another account that I call a "public" account...i.e., when people or companies ask me for my e-mail, that is what they get. 
Then a third address that is strictly private correspondence to and from people I know.
*shrugs*  That set-up has worked for me and, if I wish, I can POP them all into Outlook or Outlook Express in their own neat, little folders.

Bato001 at aol.com wrote:>Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/m2/
>this is what I do. Aol is my list/work e-mail and my home e-mail is with 
>another company.

My reply got chopped somehow. What I said was this is how I do my e-mail, two 
separate accounts. The aol account is pretty much only the list.

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