
Marriage and the 17

Maximilian Wilson wilson.max at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 12:36:48 PST 2005

[Sorry, Caliann--this was meant for the list]

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 20:24:34 -0800 (PST), Caliann the Elf
> Steve, either in his books or out of them, has not confirmed, denied or even given hints if
> having a Great Weapon will have an affect on mating pairs.  *chuckles*

Well, Loiosh's feelings for Vlad didn't seem to have any effect on
Vlad's marriage to Cawti, and vice-versa for Loiosh and Rocza.
Blackwand is "female," but Pathfinder is ambiguously-gendered, so I
don't know that there's reason to think that e.g. Iceflame's love for
Sethra is romantic in a way that Vlad/Loiosh isn't. Love is a complex
emotion/set of emotions.

Incidentally, Vlad's come a long way emotionally since that day in the
Paths of the Dead when he "realized" that Loiosh and Noish-pa were the
only beings that he loved. I think he's shown by his actions that
Cawti, Aliera, and Morrolan are on that list too; perhaps Kiera/Sethra
is, perhaps she would be if she didn't seem quite so invulnerable.
(Love is partly about responding to others' needs.)


something funny