
on spoilers (contains no spoilers)

Casey Rousseau casey at the-bat.net
Fri Mar 18 06:11:53 PST 2005

Howard Brazee wrote:
> I figure - if you like these books enough to be on the list - 
> why not buy the books?

Well, being on the list is 'free'.  Buying the books isn't.

> But here's my list:
> Dragon

Hoisting yourself here?

> Lyorn
> Tiassa
> Hawk
> Dzur
> Tsalmoth
> Vallista
> Iorich
> Chreotha
> Jhegaala

You forgot The Final Contract.


For myself, the only published Brust novels I haven't read are The Sun, the
Moon and the Stars, The Gypsy, and Agyar.  I own all but the first of these.
- C.