Apologies in advance to anyone who doesn't play City of Heroes and has no idea what we're talking about here. >I play City of Heroes. I've noticed that a few of you guys do too. How >about we not only discuss the attributes of some characters, but put >them into the context of CoH and see if we can make builds out of >them? Hmmm... Considering that few characters in the greater Dragaeran cycle exhibit traits like bursting spontaneously into flame or firing radioactive blasts at their opponents, it might prove problemmatic. Square pegs in round holes and all that. Sethra - By virtue of being a vampire (though I can't recall that we've ever actually seen her be "vampiric". Undeath in Dragaera is more like being "life challenged" than like what we typically think of as an horrific monster.) I guess she would be either a dark scrapper or a dark defender. Pot luck on the secondary. Magical origin. Definitely the leadership pool. Morollan - Broadsword scrapper. Blackwand could be represented as either super reflexes or dark armor, the latter being more expressive of its nature. Magical origin. You could make an argument for Morollan being a tank but I think that would fall more into Dzur or Orca province. He'd probably have the entire presence pool, with Blackwand powering his Intimidate and Invoke Panic skills. He'd have teleport, of course. Aliera - A defender, based mainly on the fact that she spends as much time playing healer in the stories as playing warrior. Realistically, she's really as much a "scrapper" as Morollan but that's what happens with square pegs. I guess I'd go with radiation primary and psychic blast secondary. Not because she's a walking A-Bomb, (some might argue that *heh*) but because the the powers in that set more clearly reflect the the sorts of things we've seen her do than any other set does. The more inappropriate powers >from those sets would be replaced with the presence pool, teleport pool, and possibly the the speed pool. Vlad - Scrapper, I suppose. Martial arts with super reflexes would come the closest to capturing his character even if he isn't really a martial artist. With all of his poison darts and what not, you could make a case for him being a controller of some sort with some extra melee attacks from power pools. Maybe an illusion controller with Loiosh represented by a force field secondary. He'd have personal force field, but the rest of the secondary would be replaced with the fitness and the fighting pool, and the upper half of the illusion powerset (where the actual illusions are) replaced by the leadership pool. Khaavren and friends are even more difficult with the possible exception of Tazendra. How do you represent a Tiassa's cleverness or a Yendi's cunning?