
FW: Petrol Prices

Peter H. Granzeau pgranzeau at cox.net
Tue Mar 22 08:27:24 PST 2005

At 21:10 03/21/2005, Howard Brazee wrote:
>Hybrid cars are currently popular, but what's needed is hybrid diesel cars.
>Then we will get much better mileage and still be able to have safe power.

Hybrid Diesel might have a few technical problems with all the starting and 
stopping in city driving.  In hybrids, gas engines are turned off at every 
stop and on again when motion is resumed (which is one of the reason they 
get better mileage in city than in country driving).  Diesels can't just be 
switched on and off that way.

Regards, Pete
pgranzeau at cox.net