
Vlad's not a Jhereg at heart

Wed Mar 23 13:37:18 PST 2005

>I don't think most houses have any official way for an outsider to

>From Vlad's adventures, we know about the Jhereg and the Dzur. From Miklos,
we know about the Tekla. For the rest, as far as I know we have only this
quote from _Tekla_:
"The House of the Teckla," [Paresh] said, "embodies all the traits of all
the Dragaeran Houses. As does the Jhereg, by the way, and for much the same
reason: Those Houses will allow others into their ranks with no questions
asked. The aristocracy -- the Dzur, the Dragons, the Lyorn, occasionally
others -- see this as a weakness. The Lyorn allow no one in; some of the
others require the passing of a test."

No real clue about how many "some" is except that it sounds like more than
just the Dzur.