
Vlad and the Organization - If, If, If...

Wed Mar 23 14:14:10 PST 2005

On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 02:13:14PM -0800, Scott Schultz <scott at cjhunter.com> wrote:
> >Now -that- might give the Council an excuse to let him off.
> >"Well, we had him done Morganti. That's punishment enough, eh? No reason to
> >rub it in by harassing the boy. No hard feelings, right?"
> You use morganti when you want someone completely destroyed. It's not
> something where you can just go through the motions and say  "There, we're
> even". If the target is up and walking around a week later then obviously
> someone failed and you need to hire someone better to do the job right. It's
> not like the casual "warning shot across the bow" style of killing. The
> Council can't afford to let up until he's verifiably obliterated. That's how
> they keep order in the ranks. The only way out is to somehow do something so
> legendary that people will say "Only Vlad could get away with that kind of
> betrayal" in the same way that they say "Only Mario could get away with that
> kind of assassination".

Like, say, slaying a God?

(Hey, Morrolan set the precedent!)

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