
Vlad's not a Jhereg at heart

Wed Mar 23 18:27:52 PST 2005

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005, Shawn wrote:

> I've been re-reading the books for the ump-teenth time, this time with an
> eye to all of that reincarnation of the soul stuff, and I have to agree that
> Vlad acts like a Dragon, and it's not something I really considered before,
> even though I've read _Jhereg_ over and over for 15 years. He has these odd
> periods of stubborn commitment, like refusing to bug out in _Dragon_, even
> though that's clearly in his best interests. He's just not a carrion-eater,
> and if you pay attention you can see Steve leaving these clues about Vlad's
> nature. [snippage]

This is good analysis, however I think V is a whole human (or on his way
there) so of course he displays elements of various Houses.  But he's
not Dragaeran, and really should be either a Teckla (a House of whole
Dragaerans plus Easterners) or something new - a Houseless citizen -
or a Lavode.

(Actually, if the Lavodes are Houseless then perhaps my speculation
above and earlier that citizenship required being in a House was silly.)