
Vlad and the Organization - If, If, If...

Thu Mar 24 05:32:50 PST 2005

> From: Scott Schultz [mailto:scott at cjhunter.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 5:13 PM
> To: dragaera at dragaera.info
> Subject: RE: Vlad and the Organization - If, If, If...
> >Now -that- might give the Council an excuse to let him off.
> >"Well, we had him done Morganti. That's punishment enough, eh? No reason
> to
> >rub it in by harassing the boy. No hard feelings, right?"
> Hmmm... No, I don't see that happening. In a world with revivification,
> you've got a few options.
> Dead.
> REALLY Dead.
> Obliterated.
> You use morganti when you want someone completely destroyed. It's not
> something where you can just go through the motions and say  "There, we're
> even". If the target is up and walking around a week later then obviously
> someone failed and you need to hire someone better to do the job right.
> It's
> not like the casual "warning shot across the bow" style of killing. The
> Council can't afford to let up until he's verifiably obliterated. That's
> how
> they keep order in the ranks. The only way out is to somehow do something
> so
> legendary that people will say "Only Vlad could get away with that kind of
> betrayal" in the same way that they say "Only Mario could get away with
> that
> kind of assassination".

I think getting up and walking away after being stabbed with a Morganti
blade in front of multiple witnesses (presumably they'd want a Morganti
powerful enough to be immediately noticeable to those witnesses as well)
would qualify as one of those "Only Vlad could get away with that" things. I
mean, how many people know about that much about GWs (assuming that's a
standard feature, are we even sure of that?)? Even assuming Vlad's
possession of a GW becomes general knowledge.

How many people are going to say "Yeah, I can rat on the Jhereg. All they'll
do is have my soul eaten. No big deal." Most people assume that Morganti
deaths are more than permanent. If Vlad survives, that just means he's nigh
invulnerable, not that the House didn't do a good job on him.

Sorry if that's unintelligible, I'm pretty much substituting coffee for
sleep right now.