
Vlad's not a Jhereg at heart

Thu Mar 24 06:59:01 PST 2005

Grady Brandt wrote:

>>From: Ken Koester [mailto:kkoester at email.ers.usda.gov]
>>Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:56 AM
>>Since they've already gone after Morollan once, even though he's had
>>Blackwand for 200+ years or so, that argues that either they (House
>>Jhereg) don't really know what a GW is, or they discount what it can do
>>(ie, they do not excessively fear it), or that it is *not* easy to
>>recognize what is and what isn't a GW.  Any of these mean that Lady T.
>>cannot be counted on to cause the Council to back off in the slightest.
>I think surviving a verifiable Morganti job (maybe two) should be enough to
>give them pause, regardless of what they know about GWs in general and
>whether they know Vlad's got one.
Morganti is a plus, but what they'll settle for is dead-is-dead. . .  
and when they went after Morollan, they  showed they already knew how to 
do that; they just weren't successful at it.  What does Vlad have that 
Morollan does not?  Not enough to cause the Council to back off, no 
matter how many attempts Vlad survives & no matter how many times he 
unsheathes Lady T., I submit.

>Hmm. Wonder if the Council would try to pump Kragar, or if they wouldn't
>think of it. :)
Wouldn't notice him, more like (-:
