> > I do see an interesting situation if Vlad stays in Adrilankha or "goes > public" as it were: pressure on Kiera. ("You know that Easterner you > used to hang out with? Well, he's been spotted in Lower Kieron Street > last night. Sure you don't know anything about it? What can you tell > us, eh?") I haven't seen enough Council handiwork to know exacly what > they would do--I spell my name S-n-a-r-k-h-u-n-t-e-r, not S-t-e-v-e--but > I think it would make for an interesting storyline & even more > interesting choices for Kiera & her secrets. > > Snarkhunter > However, I seem to remember that the connection between Vlad and Kiera is not very well known. In Jhereg (?), when she shows up in his office to help him with something, his employees are shocked when he tells them that they're old friends. Of course, since he said that, it may be effectively public knowledge by now.