On Mar 24, 2005, at 11:33 AM, Casey Rousseau wrote: > Well, so far we've seen Vlad as a Jhereg, Yendi, Teckla, Taltos > (Easterner > witch), Phoenix, Athyra, Orca, Dragon, and Issola. We anticipate > sometime > soon seeing him as a Dzur, and at some future point in time, in no > particular order, as a Lyorn, Tiassa, Tsalmoth, Vallista, Iorich, > Chreotha, > and Jhegaala. > > My guess is we will then see Vlad one last time as a Jhereg, but > that's just > a guess. > > Casey Your right, I would bet. It would be tough to be a Iorich assassin for "The last Contract"