
Vlad's not a Jhereg at heart

Crystal Fradette sethra500 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 09:10:15 PST 2005

On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 08:32:29 -0800, Scott Schultz <scott at cjhunter.com> wrote:
> >Since they've already gone after Morollan once, even though he's had
> >Blackwand for 200+ years or so, that argues that either they (House
> >Jhereg) don't really know what a GW is, or they discount what it can do
> I'd say it means that they know exactly what it is and what it's capable of.
> Notice that when they made Morollan unrevivifiable, they kept him intact.
> They didn't try to destroy his soul and they didn't mutilate his body in
> various ways that might have achieved the same end. They used sorcery to
> insure that it was not possible to reconnect the soul to the body AND to
> insure that there wouldn't be an attempt to create him a new body. We don't
> know much about the process used by a Great Weapon to store its owners soul
> but it may well be that the rules of revivification apply regardless. If you
> can't provide a body to reanimate within three days then the soul becomes
> irretrievable.
Do we know exactly how Aleira's soul was put into that staff? I know
she didn't have a GW at the time, but maybe, like with what PF did
when A was stabbed witht the Morganti weapon, hides the soul. When
Morrolan was killed and sorcery was used to make him unrevivafiable,
BW had to have held onto his soul. Do GW hang onto the soul somehow?
If it does, would they beable to do what they did for Aleira, and go
get her in the paths? The LoJ wouldn't be too happy, but screw them

I know this sounds like rambling, and you're right, it is. I am
hungery and didn't feel like editing. Make of it what you will. I am
going to get some soup!