Here there be spoilers... Specifically, references to a major plot-twist that will make you look differently at portions of the entire Vladiad up to this point. If you haven't read Orca, skip on. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I finished a re-read of Orca yesterday. After the recent discussion of "Why does Kiera watch out for Vlad?" I paid especial attention to the matter and I have to admit that I'm as baffled as before. The thing I had not picked up on in previous readings is that Vlad apparently is NOT baffled by it. It's all very strange. I figured I'd see if there's something obvious I'm missing or if there's something more between Vlad and K/S than we've been told explicitly. Here is Kiera having a one-sided conversation with Savn: "Although I suppose it's reasonable to wonder why anyone watches over anyone. Vlad still doesn't know why I watch over him, you know... Come to that, I'm not all that certain myself...Guilt I suppose....At least that's part of it...Though I doubt that Rocza has anything to feel guilty about. And I shouldn't still feel guilty toward Vlad. It was a long time ago and, well, we all do what we have to." Later, Vlad is explaining to Kiera how he put the various pieces together to come up with her alter-ego: "...I've always wondered why you gave a damn for a little Easterner kid. Now I know, of course." Kiera answers "Of course." like it should be obvious now. I was still shaking my head and asking "What the hell are you two talking about?" We know from Vlad's description of the way it feels to have a knife pressed to the back of your neck that Kiera was being protective of him even before he knew who she was. Whatever her attachment to him is, it goes back to a very young age. Possibly even to his birth? What does Sethra have to feel guilty about in relation to Vlad? The Vlad = Dolivar equation? If so, what's the connection? We know that Sethra was there in-person when Keiron and Dolivar were having their various machinations. Are we supposed to infer that Sethra has some sort of regrets regarding her part in things (perhaps a betrayal or punishment of Dolivar)? Watching after Vlad (aka Dolivar-mark-1) is her way of discharging her debt? "A long time ago" to Sethra is a VERY long time to anyone else, so it presents a bit of evidence to suggest this theory. If it's true, though, how did Sethra know about the Vlad = Dolivar connection in the first place? If Sethra is applying "A long time ago" in a more Easterner sense then things become more interesting but also more murky. What could she have done to Vlad's family that would make her feel guilty to the point of, in a virtual sort of sense, adopting Vlad as a "ward"? Killed Vlad's mother or done something worse to her? Noish-Pa avoids the subject of Vlad's mother and his father changed his story frequently, implying that he was hiding the true story for whatever reason. We know that Noish-Pa, Ibronka and Vlad's father (do you suppose Vlad will ever forgive his father enough to start referring to him by name?) were overrun by the anti-tax riots much like Vlad was overrun by the anti-conscription riots. It would be interesting to learn that Vlad's mother was involved with Kelly and his original group much as Cawti now is. Regardless of that, I can't imagine why a riot of Easterners in South Adrilankha would require the intervention of Sethra Lavode, nor why some sort of torture or whatever of the leaders would involve her. If Sethra WAS involved in some series of events that made her directly or indirectly responsible for the death of Vlad's mother, why would that fire her conscience to the point of making herself his self-appointed guardian angel? (Perhaps Kiera instead was involved indirectly in the events leading to the death of Vlad's mother?) The evidence against this is that Vlad obviously knows nothing of the sort when he first encounters Sethra and nothing of the sort is mentioned by him as the friendship develops over the course of the novels. Yet, when Kiera admits to being Sethra, he understands immediately. The only way that I can make this work is if we go back to the Dolivar connection and Vlad is assuming that is the reason. Either that, or there's something between Vlad and Sethra that we have yet to be told about. Anyway, that's what I make of it. If I've missed something in this equation I'd love to hear about it. As it is, it may be clear to Vlad but it's clear as mud to me.