I think in regards to Paarfi's version vs. Vlad's version, Paarfi's has to be considered the more suspect. Paarfi is a writer of historical fiction, and unfortunately history rarely provides events in the kind of tight packaging a novelist requires. It is not uncommon in historical fiction to rearrange events, combine several people or the events that happened to several people into one individual or substitute a character in one location with a character in another for dramatic purposes. In Paarfi's version, Morollan's arrival in the West is perfectly timed for the role he is to play in Paarfi's narrative. If Morollan actually arrived earlier, and confronted Sethra before Zerika took her journey, it would make perfect sense for Sethra to send Morollan on the quest (especially if he already had Blackwand). If the Count of Southmoor were the Dragonlord on the trip, as opposed to Kytraan, it would go a long way to explaining the friendship with Zerika that is observed in Vlad's accounts. However it would not serve Paarfi's narrative well since after the mission history took Morollan away from the other participants: it would break up Morollan's story for no purpose and while that is good history, it is bad fiction. I have no doubt that Kytraan (or the individuals that Kytraan represents in the story) joined Piro's band, but probably for reasons Paarfi did not find worthy of his history. The offering of three counties to Morollan and then retracting them seemed a fairly weak bit of narrative; I think it more likely that Zerika offered the counties to earn the loyalty of some other Dragonlord (one who grew up in the West and would actually be impressed with their value) who played no part in Paarfi's story. That's my conjecture, Mark