* <ORCA spoiler> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 17:45:22 -0500, Joy Jennifer Nicholson <jjnichol at mit.edu> wrote: > Perhaps it shows that Sethra doesn't mind lying I'm pretty sure you were just kidding, but I can't resist commenting. But when she's retelling her conversation to Stony, Kiera says she's glad that he didn't ask her about Vlad because she "hates lying to friends." Unless she's lying about hating lying to friends (she's ostensibly telling the story to Cawti). Unless Kiera minds it and Sethra doesn't, which is a fun idea but I think too deep of a Kiera/Sethra division--I don't think of Kiera as a split personality so much as a different mask for Sethra than the standard "Enchantress of Dzur Mountain" one. (For one thing, she probably enjoys being able to speak colloquially.) Max Wilson -- I die! I attempt a speeling flame, but my flamer explodes and covers me with burning oil. The fire spreads to the walls and nearby houses. The smoke from the flames blots out the sun. Crop failures abound and civilization collapses. The last humans huddle around their pathetic campfires as a new ice age ensues and the glaciers approach. The light of the fire attracts many wolves. All die! O, the embarrassment!