
Great Weapons Redux

Peter H. Granzeau pgranzeau at cox.net
Fri Apr 1 14:48:56 PST 2005

At 16:01 04/01/2005, Scott Schultz wrote:
>So, I ended my latest re-read of the Vladiad by finishing Issola yesterday.
>After the discussion about what might happen to Vlad if he was attacked
>post-Godslayer, I was tuned into a conversation that took place between Vlad
>and Sethra.
>Sethra implies that it's nearly impossible to kill the wielder of a Great
>Weapon. She accounts for Morrolan's death in Jhereg as a combination of
>surprise, sorcery and bravado. She goes on to say that even if Morollan had
>not been revivified that Blackwand would have continued to guard his soul.
>She finishes by saying that Blackwand (whom I think we could probably
>consider to be a sorceror in its own right) was capable of doing a lot more
>than it did and the Jhereg assassin was a fool.
>Baritt not only died to a Jhereg assassin, he died and went to the Paths.
>However, he also hid Pathfinder, essentially seperating himself from it. He
>may have forfeited its protection by doing so. Perhaps he even have had a
>"falling out" of some kind with it and lost the privelege of wielding it.
>That would help explain the concealment of it. "If I can't have you, nobody
>can..." Hmmm... Baritt was alive when Aliera was recovered from the Paths.
>Some time after that he hid Pathfinder and then was killed. Aliera felt that
>Pathfinder had been trying to come to her. Pathfinder's journey may have
>begun at the end of _Taltos_ rather than at the beginning of _Dragon_. Once
>it "divorced" Baritt he hid it rather than help it travel to its preferred
>owner and the rest of _Dragon_ and _Yendi_ unfolded as a result.

I think the operative word in Sethra's comment was "weilder".  For a Great 
Weapon to be  of use, it must be with its owner.  Do we have any instance 
of a GW doing anything while not unsheathed?

>Digressions aside, that just shows that Baritt probably does NOT qualify as
>an exception to Sethra's "rule" that Great Weapons will do everything in
>their power to protect their owner. This is reinforced at the end of
>_Issola_ when Vlad "gloats" over the fact that Iceflame and Pathfinder are
>powerless to affect the Jenoine because penetrating its defenses would mean
>risking destruction of their respective owners and they would not allow
>that. Godslayer, on the other hand, was designed for cutting through sorcery
>and has no such qualms. However powerful Iceflame, Blackwand, and Pathfinder
>are at their magical abilities, Godslayer is actually a superior weapon in
>comparison to all of them. I digress again...
>Whatever happens to Vlad in Adrilankha, it appears that he's safe from
>physical harm and probably from magical harm as well. Whereas Morollan and
>Blackwand suffered a sorcerous sneak attack, Godslayer would simply nullify
>the spell when it landed.

I still wonder it it will work while sheathed.

Regards, Pete
pgranzeau at cox.net