

Tue Apr 5 13:50:35 PDT 2005

On Tue, 2005-04-05 at 16:26 -0400, Sethra wrote:
> The scene is from _Taltos_, end of either chp 2 or 3, now I can't
> remember, when Vlad calls Morollan a "bastard" while they are going up
> the winding stair case during Vlad's first time at Dzur Mountain.

Oh, cool.  I like that scene.  If memory serves, it was originally part
of another work that I canibalized into Yendi and Taltos. Among other
things, it's the first time I had the experience of characters getting
away from me.  I remember writing that and thinking, "Oh, good going,
Steve; you've just killed off your protagonist."  Then I just kept going
to see what would happen.  I've always been partial to that scene.
