
OT: A Riddle

Sat Apr 9 12:09:00 PDT 2005

On Sat, 9 Apr 2005, Joshua Kronengold wrote:

> Philip Hart writes:
> >I meant "mercury" in the sense of "quicksilver", hence the lower-case "m",
> >but ok, will ponder further.  Maybe scalpel through the association with
> >medicine.
> [changed the topic to represent the OT nature of this thread-segment]
> The association of the cadescus and medicine is apocryphal. (Hermes has
> no significant medical attributes) -- it was (basically, mistakenly)
> used for a while in the US, but the actual snake-based Greek medical
> symbol is the Aescalepus (and US medical organizations basically
> changed over to that a few years ago) -- the single-snake staff.

Hence my comment in the original thread about Asclepius...  Note that
for someone with such stickling for details, you're laissez-faire about
spelling - you've now doubled the google-incidence of "cadescus".

Alchemy, subway train, lockpick...  Dunno.