
Aliera's companion in the Paths of the Dead

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Wed Apr 13 04:48:51 PDT 2005

 On Apr 12, 2005 3:18 AM, Mark Tiller <mtiller at ntlworld.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, 10 Apr 2005, Jot Powers wrote:
>> The gods did not want to ALLOW Aliera to leave, but Verra, the
>> position in the cycle and the fact that she is heir creates a
>> situation where they are willing to allow it.  They had never
>> considered an easterner coming down, so they decided it's
>> allowed this once (due to the oversight) but it won't be again.
> You know, I've always considered it a bit odd that Vlad basically
> gets off with a "Don't do it again" considering he's invaded the
> home of the gods. Everybody he meets says that no living person can
> leave. 

One thing.   The Halls of Judgment are used to making pass/fail decisions.