
Sethra and Morrolan

Wed Apr 13 07:43:16 PDT 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Hart [mailto:philiph at slac.stanford.edu] 

>On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Scott Schultz wrote:

>> >Paarfi addressed this one.
>> The abridged version of Paarfi: [snippage]
>> I'm going to call Paarfi out on this one and say that either he didn't
>> really know what happened and made something up, or he editted the actual
>> events in the same way that he editted the meeting between Aerich and
>> Paresh.

>I'll agree with you to the extent that he didn't edit either.
>Sethra is aware of her force of character and skilled in its use.

I believe Sethra and Paarfi are lovers. But that does not preclude Sethra
and Morrolan having been, or still are, lovers.