
Aliera's companion in the Paths of the Dead

Thu Apr 14 05:53:03 PDT 2005

here's a thought:  is mario a true jhereg, or could he have been a dragon at one
time like kragar and norathar?  (if this is discussed in the paarfi books, my
apologies, i haven't read them yet.)

                      Erik Holmes                                                                          
                      <shoby187 at yahoo.c        To:       dragaera at dragaera.info                            
                      om>                      cc:                                                         
                                               Subject:  Re: Aliera's companion in the Paths of the Dead   
                      04/12/2005 05:29                                                                     

> I had forgotten about the staff...
> Maybe Verra is Devera's mother, or maybe Devera is one of Verra's
> sisters reborn.  Verra may have thrown Devera in there when she was
> bring Aliera back to life.
> Where did Aliera's body come from?  Had it been sitting in the Paths
> all that time, waiting for a spirit to fill it, or did Verra re-form
> it before bring her back to life?  If it was just sitting there, maybe
> Kieron was _really_ lonely one afternoon ....  or he was trying out
> the Dragaeran version of Sleeping Beauty (the Grimm version, not the
> Disney version where a simple kiss does the job).

I seem to remember a good argument being made on another list about how Mario
was probably the
father of Devera. Mario and Aleria obviously seemed to hit it off in 500 Years
After and I could
see it (having a child with a memeber from another House) being just the kind of
thing Aleria
would do. If nothing else it would give her a reason to kill other people that
might slander her
for it.  :)

As for the body... who knows . . . Maybe Sethra sent it there or maybe it has
something to do with
her divine bloodline.

"I didn't spend all those years playing D&D and not learn a little something
about courage."
   -Some Dork, The X-Files

Erik Holmes
Shoby187 at yahoo.com
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