
Aliera's companion in the Paths of the Dead

Thu Apr 14 12:35:18 PDT 2005

> Phoenix and Issola both suggest that Aliera has no knowledge of
> Devera's existence. Phoenix: "I saw your daughter." "Who?" Issola: The
> dragon. "You don't know?" "Should I?" "Yes." I certainly don't think
> Aliera ever ran off to copulate with Kieron during the events of
> Taltos.
> > It just doesn't seem likely that she was impregnated during or before the
> > events of Taltos, and we have yet to hear of any opportunities that have
> > occurred since then.
> I agree. So far it's an enigma.

Well, I had never heard that Kieron was supposed to have been the father until reading that web
site, it . . . interesting.

One thing to keep in mind is if it's some weird time thing its very possible that Aleria and
Kieron hook up sometime in the Future.

After all, Kieron told Aleria that if she gave his Greatsword away he'd come for her, or it,
something like that. Since she DID give it to Sethra the Younger it makes sense that we'll be
seeing him sometime in the future. Perhaps he comes back reborn as someone that Aleria has a
relationship with later on in the books. Maybe he comes back as Kieron. Since Aleria is in a new
body maybe she and not really his sister anymore, perhaps she wouldn't see anything wrong with
having a child with him.

"I didn't spend all those years playing D&D and not learn a little something about courage."
   -Some Dork, The X-Files

Erik Holmes
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