
Amorphia and the 'Accident' (Was Re: Where's the technology?)

Thu Apr 14 13:52:32 PDT 2005

> From: Erik Holmes [mailto:shoby187 at yahoo.com]
> Subject: Amorphia and the 'Accident' (Was Re: Where's the technology?)
> > Also, I'm surprised that amorphia hasn't been compared to anti matter
> > before. The stuff destroys matter when it touches it, creating a flash
> > of light, and a violent detonation. It isn't found naturally, at least
> > not yet. The question is how the Orb channels it to make it safe for
> > non-war use.
> While I think Amorphia and Antimatter are similar, they are definitely
> different. Antimatter
> explodes when it comes into contact with normal matter. Maybe Amorphia is
> something like
> antimatter in a more controlled form. That would explain why its such
> powerful stuff. Liquid
> Antimatter Maybe???

I wouldn't think they're related. Amorphia leaves behind a big pretty sea of
itself if left unchecked. A matter/anti-matter annihilation doesn't leave
anything behind but energy. I'll now sit back and wait for the local
physicists to tell me just how wrong my layman's understanding is. :)