On 4/14/05, Alma Gaiz <almagaiz at gmail.com> wrote: > Perhaps the Jenoine are artificially evolved humans? Perhaps some sort > of cult or super secret group that evolved themselves to the point > where they are not only immune to conventional physical trauma, but to > anti matter (amorphia). When some left Earth, they brought reminders > or pets with them-regular humans, the ancestors of Easterners. > > Also, I'm surprised that amorphia hasn't been compared to anti matter > before. The stuff destroys matter when it touches it, creating a flash > of light, and a violent detonation. It isn't found naturally, at least > not yet. The question is how the Orb channels it to make it safe for > non-war use. That doesn't sound like amorphia to me. Vlad collects amorphia in a bottle without either a flash of light or a detonation; he does, however, imply that the end of the leather thong he was using might have mutated into something weird. Generally, though, touching amorphia seems to mainly turn the touched substance into more amorphia, as per "Jhereg." Max Wilson -- I die! I mis-remember my friend's telephone number and dial into a hydroelectric dam's power line, electrocuting myself. My roommates mistake my flailing spasms for sign language, coincidentally describing a delicious recipe for fried tungsten with petroleum jelly. They try the recipe. All die! O, the embarassment.