
Where's the technology?

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Thu Apr 14 17:01:41 PDT 2005

Alma Gaiz wrote:
> Perhaps the Jenoine are artificially evolved humans? Perhaps some sort
> of cult or super secret group that evolved themselves to the point
> where they are not only immune to conventional physical trauma, but to
> anti matter (amorphia). When some left Earth, they brought reminders
> or pets with them-regular humans, the ancestors of Easterners.
> Also, I'm surprised that amorphia hasn't been compared to anti matter
> before. The stuff destroys matter when it touches it, creating a flash
> of light, and a violent detonation. It isn't found naturally, at least
> not yet. The question is how the Orb channels it to make it safe for
> non-war use.

You can't have a lake of anti-matter.   Nor even a pool in a barroom.