
Amorphia and the 'Accident' (Was Re: Where's the technology?)

Fri Apr 15 08:20:21 PDT 2005

On 4/15/05, Scott Schultz <scott at cjhunter.com> wrote:
> Erik Holmes <shoby187 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> >Actually, I'm pretty damn sure that Amorphia is just a rip off of Primal
> >Chaos from Roger Zelzany's Amber series. Its raw churning chaos that
> >consumes anything it comes into contact with, pure magical energy, and
> >can only be summoned by certain members of a special family in the world.
> Considering that Steve is not only a huge fan of Zelazny, but was also a
> friend when Zelazny was alive, I'd say that "rip-off" is a rather strong
> term to use. Homage would be a more appropriate description. Considering
> that Zelazny wrote a foreword one of Steve's books, I'd say that R.Z.
> certainly didn't think of it as a "rip-off". Yes, I realize that you were
> probably just using the first phrase that came to mind but "rip-off" has a
> pretty strong connotation of theft. In any case, the idea of representing
> Chaos as raw entropy devouring Order was hardly new when Zelazny used it.
> It's what you do with the idea that makes it fresh.
There are almost no new ideas any more. People have been writing for a
long time and the only thing that changes the original idea is what
was said above. Also, there is the quote at the bottom of my e-mail

"About the most originality that any writer can hope to achieve
honestly is to steal with good judgment."
-- Josh Billings (1818-85), [Henry Wheeler Shaw] American humorist, essayist