I wonder whether Dragaerans have incest taboos. After, Kieron is both her brother and her ancestor. > >I seem to recall that a physical description is given in Five Hundred > >Years after, which puts him as a fairly nondescript jhereg and not an > >obvious Dragonlord. Whether this is because he actually looks > >nondescript or because Paarfi has no description is an open question. > > It seems like a moot point. We're talking about Adron's daughter. She'd = > no > more have a child with a Jhereg than with an Easterner, no matter that = > he > might be a Dragon genetically. In any case, Steve has explained Devera's > time and space skipping ability by claiming that she was conceived in = > the > Paths and born in Verra's Halls which pretty much rules out Mario as a > father (presuming that he's still living at the time). > > Being essentially a demi-god, Aliera COULD visit the Paths herself to = > meet > Kieron there and have a hope of leaving. Such a visit would still be = > frought > with peril since the Gods would likely try to prevent her from leaving > again, blood or no. Whatever brings Aliera and Kieron back together = > again > must be something of great moment in order for her to take the risk. I'd > imagine the Gods must be getting a bit tired of living people coming and > going from the Paths of the Dead. > > Of course, we don't know what Morollan and Aliera were doing while Vlad = > was > creating and performing his summoning spell. I suppose that Aliera could > have excused herself and run off for a quickie. Keep in mind, though, = > that > in Yendi Vlad mentions that he's known Morollan for four years, which is > roughly the same time he's known Aliera. The later stories add a couple = > of > more years to that. Given their lifespan, it's possible that Dragaerans = > have > a gestation period of decades rather than months, but we don't have any > information at the moment that would lead us to believe that. (Granted = > that > we don't have any information at all about Dragaeran gestation, AFAIK, = > other > than the fact that many of them have problems conceiving at all.) Still, > you'd think with Aliera being an accomplished sorceror she would have = > some > way of knowing she was pregnant and she wouldn't take some of the risks = > that > we've seen her take. > > It just doesn't seem likely that she was impregnated during or before = > the > events of Taltos, and we have yet to hear of any opportunities that have > occurred since then. > >