
[SKZB] Tukko

Mark A. Mandel thnidu at yahoo.com
Wed May 4 13:50:52 PDT 2005

--- Scott Schultz <scott at cjhunter.com> wrote:
> >Paarfi obviously knows something about Tukko--he knows Tukko's full
> If we take his writing at face value then Paarfi knows rather a lot about
> the inner workings of Dzur Mountain. More than he ought to, in fact. When
> describing the conversations of the Gods, he admits that he's making some
> things up simply because a mortal has no way of knowing what was actually
> said. He doesn't make any such excuses regarding Sethra and Dzur Mountain. 

Paarfi is really a romancer, though he claims to be a historian. He makes up a hell of a
lot more than he says he does. That's my opinion, and I think it is supported by stuff
Steve has said, though I can't give a citation.

Dumas certainly played fast and loose with the history and dates. If you try to track the
dates and durations in the Musketeers trilogy/pentalogy, they fall apart all over the
place. I'm taking my information here from the front matter of the translations I have,
which I believe are the ones that Steve recommended, which my family gave to me for my
last birthday, or maybe Chanukah. :-)

-- Mark A. Mandel
   a Steven Brust Dragaera fan website
   [This text prepared with Dragon NaturallySpeaking.]

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