
Was Sticks a writer's agent in a former life?

Thu May 5 15:51:28 PDT 2005

Nancy Thuleen wrote: 

> I do recall this being discussed on rec.arts.sf.written quite a
> ago when I was still a regular lurker there.  And Google Groups does

> have three threads on the topic (at least when I search using Brust 
> Aisse), but all three also falter at determining Phent and 
> Greenbough.  The only real answer there is:
> >From: goldf... at OCF.Berkeley.EDU (David Goldfarb)
> >Subject: Re: [BRUST] _Phoenix_ publisher in-joke? (No spoilers)
> >Date: 1999/09/09
> >Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written
> >
> >In article <keshlema-0909990152120... at pm466-18.dialip.mich.net>,
> >jere7my tho?rpe <keshl... at umich.edu> wrote:
> >)     ...is Brust poking fun at the SF publishing industry?  
> And, if so,
> >)who are Phent and Greenbough?
> >
> >When Brust signed at The Other Change of Hobbit in early '92 I
> >asked him about this.  He said they were Minneapolis-area music
> >promoters that he didn't like.  It strikes me as somewhat cheating
> >to mix media like that, but I don't get a vote.
> >
> >--
> >    David Goldfarb       <*>| "Questions are a burden to others.
> >goldf... at ocf.berkeley.edu  |  Answers are a prison for oneself."
> >goldf... at csua.berkeley.edu |
> >aster... at slip.net          |     -- _The Prisoner_, "Dance 
> of the Dead"
> So I don't know if there really is a direct correlation to a 
> publisher there, or not.  I've liked the joke and remembered it each

> time I've reread Phoenix, though, so even if it only halfway works, 
> it's still appreciated!

Thanks for the information.  While I agree with David that mixing
media is not what I had hoped for, at least I won't spend anymore time
trying to bend Phent into Ballantine.  :)
