
House characteristics

Mark A. Mandel thnidu at yahoo.com
Fri May 6 19:22:02 PDT 2005

--- Jot Powers <books at bofh.com> wrote:
> > Note that being asleep would lead one to have one's head on the ground,
> > which would be of signal use in noticing an impending group of horses.
> You'd still have to have awful good hearing for that to work from
> 10-20 miles away.  :)

Also, there are scads of different systems of measurement used in the Empire. (See
http://cracksandshards.com/how-long.html#Measurements.) These "miles" could be a lot
shorter than the miles we're used to. Somewhere in The Phoenix Guards there is a
comparison of how long a "league" is in different parts of the Empire.

-- Mark A. Mandel
   a Steven Brust Dragaera fan website
   [This text prepared with Dragon NaturallySpeaking.]

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