Just noticed while re-re-re-reading The Phoenix Guards (page 136, Chapter 14): "I, Captain, believe, along with Daridd of Diar-by-the-Bennaat that these Athyra are overreacting." I almost think that Daridd of Diar-by-the-Bennaat bears the same relation to David Dyer-Bennet that D.B., Dean of Pamlar University, bears to Pamela Dyer-Bennet (http://www.speakeasy.org/~mamandel/Cracks-and-Shards/names.html#D.B._origin). -- Mark A. Mandel http://cracksandshards.com a Steven Brust Dragaera fan website [This text prepared with Dragon NaturallySpeaking.] Yahoo! Mail Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour: http://tour.mail.yahoo.com/mailtour.html