
Glowbulbs? Did they go away along with Dragaera City?

Mark A. Mandel thnidu at yahoo.com
Sat May 7 14:19:25 PDT 2005

--- Martin Wohlert <martin_wohlert at hotmail.com> wrote:
> FRIEDA2133 at aol.com wrote
> >Hi,
> >
> >Does anyone remember glowbulbs in any other book? They show up
> >in book search only in 500YA.
> >
> >Who invented them?  When?  Were they only in use in Dragaera City?
> >Was the spell for them lost in the disaster?
> >
> I think that the enhanced Orb is the answer, just as you posit.
> But the most important question is of course; how many Dragaerans does it 
> take to change a glowbulb? ;)
> /Mrtn

By Vlad's time this was replaced by the sword-sharpening joke:


How many Easterners does it take to sharpen a sword? 
  Four: one to hold the sword and three to move the grindstone. 
[Yen19] The point: Easterners are stupid.

How many Dzur does it take to sharpen a sword? 
  Four: one to sharpen the sword and three to put up enough of a fight to make it
[Yen71] The point: Dzur love to fight. 

How many Yendi does it take to sharpen a sword? 
  Three. One to sharpen the sword and one to confuse the issue. 
[Yen177] The point: Yendi confuse the issue. Anything involving Yendi is confusing. Even
mentioning Yendi confuses the issue. 

-- Mark A. Mandel
   a Steven Brust Dragaera fan website
   [This text prepared with Dragon NaturallySpeaking.]

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