
Open question about spoilers

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Wed Jul 6 07:03:49 PDT 2005

Carla Hunt wrote:

>uhmmmm, i haven't
>How many people on this list haven't read all the books?

I'm curious - which book(s) haven't you read - and why not?

Most of the spoilers have been for Vlad books, but it seems unlikely 
that anybody subscribing to this list would skip any of them.    
_Brokedown Palace_ might be hard to find, but what spoilers does it 
have?    Or maybe someone doesn't care for the Paarfi style -  but if 
they don't plan on reading more of them, there is nothing to be spoiled 
about finding important facts about Dragaera via this list.

Example - there's a spoiler in _Orca_.     Has anybody here not read 
_Orca_ yet?   If not - why not?