
Dragaera wiki

Tue Jul 12 16:31:55 PDT 2005

On 7/12/05, Rook <gisho at puddleofgoo.com> wrote:
> Would anyone (else) on this list be interested in contributing to a Dragaera-centric wiki, assuming I started it?

Seems like a reasonably cool idea...
> It seems that a lot of good could be gotten out of it. Both informed speculation and good articles on known and explored topics could be housed there; it would have a lot of the advantages of a mailing list, with the added advantages of being more easily accesible to the public and being simpler to use and maintain, as well as not showing up in inboxes.
> To begin with, we might want to get permission from Mark Mandel to use selected parts of Cracks And Shards as starting points; for example,  I don't think that his article on 'Brusts, plural' could be improved upon, and I for one wouldn't want to try.
> Ideally, I'd want to use the wikicities.com service, assuming that a Dragaera-centric wiki was acceptable to their 'broad interest' policy. (They have ones already hosted for Lord Of The Rings, Star Trek, and Doom - it's possible. Esides, Dragaera fans love to argue. I can only imagine we'd be equally interested in expanding a wiki.) This is because the wikimedia engine is one of the best - it allows easy separatino of content from discussion, and doesn't use CamelCase. However, failing that, pbwiki would be a quick and easy solution. Indeed, considering the nature of the wiki in question, it might be better. Thoughts?
> Come on, who amoung us has never contemplated making a Dragaera webpage for all the little details only we ever seemed to catch? Now we can *all* make one together! (Assuming enough people are interested.)