
Gabbin' about God (Was Re: Some boring crap)

Howard Brazee howard
Wed Aug 17 13:43:34 PDT 2005

Paul Echeverri wrote:

>As I understand it, the events in the Gospels set down a new law -- the old
>kashrut laws (Mosaic law) are set aside, or summarized, in the two Great
>Commandments -- Love God above all things, and your neighbor as yourself.
The point is that people pick and choose which Mosaic law still is important.   It seems to me that the criterion used to point to the Old Testament as evidence that homosexuality is wrong is that homosexuality disgusts me, therefore it is obvious that this portion applies, but I like ham, so that doesn't apply.

That's my major objection here.   People often use religion to bolster up their existing beliefs.

Of course this applies to secular religions such as patriotism as well.   Congressman Tancredo isn't interested in the principles of the United States as set out by our founding fathers - except where he can fit pieces in to support his xenophobia.

As we watch Muslim factions war against each other, we put them all into one category that we have already decided upon.

It's easier that way.