
Steve's Weblog

Corwin Brust corwin
Thu Sep 1 14:15:22 PDT 2005

David Dyer-Bennet wrote:

>Howard Brazee <howard at brazee.net> writes:
>>I noticed it's almost up.
>And Corwin's busy today and tomorrow, so anything that didn't get
>fixed yesterday *might* get fixed Friday, maybe.  
Busy seems to be my watchword, at the moment.  I'm currently thinking
that I'll be rebuilding the weblog completely.  Unfortunately the
database containing the old entries doesn't seem to have survived.  My
script to provide RSS seems also to be a casualty.

Since the main weblog script was something I hacked together several
years ago as a stop-gap, and never got around to rebuilding (a calendar
view, and other things are notably missing) now would be a good time to
mention other features you'd like to see make it into the new version.

I should also point out that the weblog will not have a comment feature;
Dad is seeing that as one more thing for him to worry about.  I was
pleased when he agree to do the weblog in the first place and not
inclined to argue.
